Track your daily activity on the move. Also make health buddies, compete with them and reach your daily health goals.
Track activity – Take charge of your fitness and track your daily activity to see how close you are to your goal. Get real time updates on the number of steps you’ve taken, distance covered and calories burned.
Get notified on incoming call and SMS - You can receive notification on your Bluetooth enabled Getactive tracker whenever your phone receives a SMS or a call.
Reach daily health goals – With the new Getactive app, reaching your daily targets will be all the more seamless. Know how many steps you’ve taken and find out the distance you need to go to reach your daily health goals.
Challenge yourself – Getactive has multiple Treks to be completed and Badges to be won. The more active you are the more you win.
Make health buddies – Connect with people who use the app and make new health buddies. You can share your daily targets with your buddies and also select challenges and compete with them.
Fitness currency – Stay fit and active to earn Getactive currency. The more you walk the more currency you earn and redeem them for Getactive goodies.
Leaderboard - Get your performance ranked for the month and week and also view the weekly and monthly top performers
跟踪活动 - 掌控您的健康状况并跟踪您的日常活动,以了解您与目标的距离。获取有关您已采取的步数,距离和燃烧卡路里的实时更新。
收到有关来电和短信的通知 - 只要您的手机收到短信或电话,您就可以通过蓝牙启用Getactive跟踪器接收通知。
达到每日健康目标 - 使用新的Getactive应用程序,达到您的每日目标将更加无缝。知道你采取了多少步骤,找出达到日常健康目标所需的距离。
挑战自己 - Getactive有多个Treks要完成并且要赢得徽章。你越活跃,你赢得的越多。
让健康伙伴 - 与使用该应用程序的人联系并建立新的健康伙伴。您可以与好友分享您的每日目标,也可以选择挑战并与之竞争。
健身货币 - 保持健康和活跃,以赚取Getactive货币。您走的越多,您获得的货币就越多,并将其兑换成Getactive好吃的东西。
排行榜 - 让您的表现在月和周排名,并查看每周和每月最佳表现者